MACBA Open House
By Matthew Duffield

The annual La Mercè celebrations – Barcelona’s end of summer festa major – are one of the city’s social and cultural highlights. This year’s post-lockdown events inevitably have limited capacities and other restrictions, but the city council have still organized an impressive program.
One longstanding feature of La Mercè is the open house day at MACBA, which this year will take place on Thursday, September 24th. MACBA is Barcelona’s flagship contemporary art museum right next to CCCB in Raval. Both as an iconic modern building and known for its adventurous and left-field portfolio of exhibitions, MACBA has a strong international reputation and is a popular destination for visitors to Barcelona.
Visitors are few and far between these days, of course, but there should be no shortage of the city’s citizens eager to take advantage of the free admission, which gives entrance to the permanent and multifaceted exhibition A Short Century: MACBA Collection, and their current show Action: A Provisional History of the 90s, which examines the use of the human body and performance as a means of artistic expression during this decade.
As part of this exhibition, Oscar Abril Ascaso will perform his LTM (Low-Tech Music) No. 4 piano piece, designed to be played by anyone except those who know how to play the piano, from 6:15pm to 7:45pm. Online booking of tickets in advance is highly recommended, where you will also be able to choose your time slot.