Maker Faire

By Jessica Holom


Plastic for Good


Published on October 1, 2019

Recycle, repair, reuse, reinvent, redesign. This is what Maker Faire brings to the fore with a focus on innovation at its sixth edition in Barcelona. Featuring artists, engineers, designers, hackers and more, Maker Faire presents projects sharing the goal of transitioning to a “circular economy.”

This means reducing CO2 emissions, minimizing waste, designing for sustainability, and extending product lives, so that we stop the vicious cycle of exhausting finite raw materials for products that quickly become obsolete. Workshops, demos, stands, documentaries, exhibitions and talks will explore the role of technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D manufacturing and the Internet of Things with a focus on initiatives like giving recovered plastics new life as transformed products in the circular economy market.

Put on your eco-friendly thinking cap and join the sustainable avant-garde at Nau Bostik on October 5th and 6th, with all ages welcome and admission free.

October 5, 2019 – October 6, 2019
Opening hours
10:00 – 19:00
10:00 – 19:00