Mediterranean Currach Regata
By Yvonne Mannix

Every year the Irish community in Barcelona looks forward to the return of the Mediterranean Currach Regatta and to celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by the sea. Currachs are traditional fishing boats used for many centuries around the Irish coast, and still in use today. With the lack of regular transport to and from many of the islands, the utility of these beautiful boats was apparent and is still evident today.
The main attraction on the day is the currach racing and the handmade, Connemara racing currachs, but there’s plenty more to enjoy with music, food and beers on offer and a rare chance for the Irish community to celebrate our saint’s day on the beach. For those with an interest in learning more about this Irish tradition, sailing lessons are available on the currachs year-round. There’ll also be a chance to enter a team in the regatta for the sailors and brave non-sailors among us, with lessons available over the preceding weeks