Mediterranean Currach Regatta
By Yvonne Mannix

This year St Patrick’s Day fell on a Tuesday, which means most celebrations are now taking place a little later on the following weekend. The Iomramh crew have become a big part of the Barcelona celebrations, and this year is no exception with the return of their annual Mediterranean Currach Regatta for the seventh year running.
Teams of rowers will race the traditional Irish fishing boats early in the day, leaving the rest of the day to party. This year there’ll be traditional music from Bauma, Irish dancing from the O’Connor School, swing with the Storyville Jazz Band and funk and soul from Gigi McFarlane.
Another exciting addition this year is Albion Food & Events who will be supplying the baked goods, so expect a mix of savory and sweet treats. Also promised are Irish burgers and drinks, face painting, delicious wine and magical creatures. With any luck there'll also be some sun.