MIM: V Masculinities and Feasible Futures
By Charlotte Stace

From September 29th to October 1st the CCCB welcomes the 5th edition of the international conference Men in Movement with the title “MIM V: Masculinities and Feasible Futures”.
Current times demand that we focus on the present and rethink about the future and its conditions of feasibility. The CCCB wants to address the challenges posed by the connection between men and masculinities and current issues such as nationalism, the environment, bodies and sexualities and decolonisation.
This conference opens the room for scholarly and socially engaged dialogues concerned with the feasibility of the society in which we currently live and the kind of futures that it prefigures. The programme includes five dialogues between two invited speakers to open up the general discussion.Registration for the event is currently open. The CCCB will offer a broadcast link and will offer attendees simultaneous translation of the 5 dialogues and the final roundtable.