Minifestival 2016
By Sophie Cameron

Dorothy Sebastian & Joan Crawford (1928) © Don Gillum
Published on May 1, 2016
Having begun life in 1995 with just a trio of local acts, Barcelona’s Minifestival de Música Independent returns on May 7th with an international lineup from around Spain, Sweden and the UK. This year celebrating its 21st birthday, the festival brings together six acts in a completely free event.
The Catenary Wires (indie pop, UK)
Alondra Galopa (pop / rock / post punk, Spain)
Sea Lion (folk, Sweden)
Jessica & The Fletchers (Catalunya, noise pop)
Obrigada (punk / rock / power pop / ska, Catalunya)
Rombo (pop / lo-fi, Catalunya)
May 7, 2016
Opening hours
19:00 – 23:59
Espai Jove Les Basses
C/ Teide, 20Barcelona