By Vittoria de Franchis

Entropia © Albert Ruso
We won’t tell you twice how good MIRA is. The festival’s lineup quality has been unquestionable since its first edition in 2011. Based on three interconnected areas – exhibition, dissemination and education – MIRA’s program isn’t only about music: it includes digital art installations, 360º Fulldome screenings, conferences and workshops. It’s as tasty as frosting on a sugar muffin.
Evergreens such as electro legend DJ Stingray, pioneering German group Tangerine Dream and Raster-Noton’s affiliate Atom™ go hand in hand with the crème de la crème of today’s electronic music scene in all its flavors. From Amnesia Scanner presenting AS Oracle or the post-internet, rave-destructive sounds of Yves Tumor, premiering his new A/V show with Ezra Miller, to the industrial tonalities of Varg and Alessandro Adriani, this is a reason to lock down your agendas this November.