Montjuïc Vinyl Market: vinils i música electrònica
By Kit Macdonald

Improbably, 25 years after the advent of Napster supposedly sounded the death knell for physical music, vinyl sales are booming. In the UK, sales of the format rose for the 16th consecutive year in 2023, and with 5.9 million units sold last year brought the highest sales of records since 1990. It's not just vinyl either: the long decline of CD sales is finally plateauing, and cassette sales topped 100,000 last year for the fourth year in a row.
In Barcelona, new record stores are springing up all the time, and events such as the Montjuic Vinyl Market are proliferating, where the DJs who were buying records this whole time are joined by more casual music fans and lapsed vinyl junkies returning to the fold after a few years away. This event finds the cultural and gastronomic space Casa Montjuic and the club and music venue LAUT opening simultaneously and welcoming a selection of shops and labels showcasing the best electronic music from the past and present.