MOST International Wine Film Festival 2024
By Charlotte Stace

MOST Wine International Film Festival brings wine, cava and films to Catalunya’s most famous wine regions this autumn.
The festival aims to showcase the finest audiovisual production related to wine-making and wine and cava culture in the past year.
This year, it will be held from November 7th to 17th in Vilafranca del Penedès and November 27th to December 1st in the Priorat region.This year’s lineup includes international blockbusters, like Thomas Napper’s Widow Clicquot (2023), and a selection of locally-made films like Wine Club (2022), Polvo Serran (2024), and El Jockey (2024). Each film has been chosen as a celebration of the culture of arts and wine, as well as a promotion of the values of quality, diversity and relationships within the world of wine. Head over to the event website to see the full program and get your tickets. Chin-chin!