Mostra de Cinema Àrab and Mediterrani de Catalunya
By Charlotte Stace

This November, La Filmoteca de Catalunya presents the latest edition of the Mostra de Cinema Àrab i Mediterrani de Catalunya. Dedicated to showcasing and promoting Arab cinema in the region, the event offers a selection of new films that illuminate fresh perspectives and stories from the Arab world.
Founded in 2007, this independent film festival was created to drive social impact and challenge stereotypes about the “Arab World.” It aims to counter simplistic Western perspectives, revealing the region’s richer, more diverse and complex realities.
Promoting cultural diversity through cinema, its programme is made up of films directed or produced by filmmakers from Arab countries. This year’s highlights include: Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano (Lebanon), Undivided (France, Morocco), Mama, I Want to Tell You Something (Egypt), and Jenin, Jenin (Palestine).