MUSA ☆ 4th May - Neri J, Vel, Verushka & Doppelganger
By Kit Macdonald

MUSA is a queer party with a particular focus on FLINTA folks: female, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender, though everyone is welcome "as long as you are aware of the space you occupy and respect the space of others". This MUSA party features Copenhagen's Neri J, France's Vel, the Venezuela-born Verushka, and resident Doppelganger.
Neri J (aka Nerija Janickaite) is originally from Lithuania but has lived in Copenhagen for many years and is at the forefront of the city's prominent and thoroughly intoxicating fast techno scene. I interviewed her many moons ago for a feature on that scene, and what she told me then should set you up well for what to expect at this party.
"I like to make and play really heavy, fast stuff because it makes me feel powerful," she told me. "It's very strong music and it gives me so much extra energy. It's a very special feeling. The most important thing to say about why I'm doing this, though, is that it's because I love to see people dancing. When I see people going nuts to what I'm playing, that means I'm doing my job."