MUTEK 2024
By Charlotte Stace

Hailing from Montreal, the MUTEK festival now takes place annually around the globe and represents the connoisseurs’ standout dates for the appreciation of artists at the vanguard of electronic music. In a world of constant evolution and incessant refinement, the “MU” in MUTEK refers to the notion of “mutation,” while “TEK” stands for “technology.” MUTEK gives visibility and supports the technological mutation applied to art and music.
As usual, this year’s event takes place at various locations around the city, with spectacles unfolding from the early afternoon way into the night. Highlights of this year’s line-up include: DJ sets from the likes of DJ Metaphor, Honedrip and Jehia; installations from Sian Fan and Martin Messier; and live performances from Michelle, Jlin, and Efe Ce Ele.
Presented in a multidisciplinary format, MUTEK is more than just a festival: it is a platform for exploration, innovation and discovery. Don’t miss it.