Nativity Scene
By Charlotte Stace

Continuing an 800-year tradition, Plaça Sant Jaume’s giant nativity scene or “Pessebre” returns. Coinciding with the turning on of Barcelona’s Christmas lights and the opening of many of the city’s Christmas markets, this scene is loved by locals and tourists alike.
On Christmas eve in 1223 in the Italian city of Greccio, Francis of Assisi created the first ever nativity scene in history: in an almost empty cave, a bare nativity. Centuries later, Naples took the idea and brought the religious event into a social setting. Since then, it’s become a common feature of Christmas around the world.
This year the nativity scene, created by the Associació de Pessebristes de Barcelona, will have the emblematic scenes of the birth, the annunciation, the Three Magic Kings and Saint Francis, as well as other traditional figures and, of course, the caganer (a Catalan favourite). The installation will be inspired by the sea to commemorate the centenary of the Catalan poet Joan Salvat-Papasseit.