New and Old Frontiers, Olivette Otele and Blanca Garcés

By Charlotte Stace



Published on September 1, 2023

As part of its series on Europe, the CCCB invites the historian Olivette Otele and the political scientist Blanca Garcés to speak about the cultural and political frontiers that have marked the history of Europe.

The free circulation of people is one of the founding elements of the European Union. This possibility of movement has enabled the emergence of a space shared by citizens, but it has also drawn excluding limits for those who remain outside. Olivette Otele, an expert in Europe’s colonial history, is a teacher at SOAS University of London, and Blanca Garcés is a CIDOB researcher and expert in immigration, integration, and asylum policies.

In this session, they speak with philosopher and writer Karima Ziali about the influence of the European colonial legacy and its connection with the cultural and political frontiers of Europe today.

September 29, 2023
Opening hours
18:00 – 19:15