Plants and Light
By Ryan Osborne

For the finale to her exhibition To Talk About Trees, Sara Agudo Millán invites fellow artist Massimiliano Moro to put a twist on the project, using artificial light and reflections to bring a new dimernsion to the piece.
A project that examines our link with nature and the environmental crisis, To Talk About Trees questions what we value in the modern world and how this choice conditions our relationship with the environment. In his poem To Those Who Follow in Our Wake, German playwright Bertolt Brecht asked whether talking about trees in dark times was to ignore injustice. American poet Andrienne Rich responded with What Kind of Times Are These, a poem that argues that in order to understand injustice, we must talk about the natural world.
Rich’s riposte is the inspiration for this fascinating exhibition. Bringing his own creative reflections on the theme, Swiss artist Moro uses artificial light to create immersive installations that are universes within themselves. It’s an illuminating collaboration, in more ways than one.