Primavera als Barris
By Clare Considine

Tremenda Trementina
You know a festival has truly arrived when it goes “off.” Less in a hands-to-the-ceiling sense (although that always helps) and more when its presence can be felt beyond the limits of the festival site. In a stroke of business genius the festival organizers have predicted the inevitable and decided to take the “off” element into their own hands (Sónar, take note).
If you didn’t get your ticket for Primavera this year, despair not. The generous folks at Primavera have programmed a series of free gigs in a different barrios each Thursday throughout May with Primavera als Barris:
May 5 at La Marina de Port – Cheetah Brava, Los Hermanos Cubero, Ominira
May 12 at El Turó de la Peira – Kids from the 90s, Maamut, The Suicide of Western Culture
May 19 at El Parc i La Llacuna de Poblenou – Errático, Lost Fills, STA
May 26 at Les Corts – Aloha Bennets, Barbantes, Tremenda Trementina
In addition, there’ll be 70 artists playing at the CCCB from June 3rd to the 5th for Primavera al Raval. If small scale’s more your bag, check the Primavera als Bars program of 20 bands playing at your favorite local bar for yet more free music.