Pulpada Electrónica
By Yvonne Mannix

Do you like dancing to good electronic music? How about eating octopus from Galicia? Well, you’re in luck because Pulpada Electrónica heads to the harbor this month to satisfy your appetite for both. Founded by the owners of the Arume and Louro restaurants and starting off as a small Sunday gathering at Arume, it didn’t take long for the crew to realize they would need to move to some bigger venues to satisfy demand.
The Confraria de Pescadors (brotherhood of fisherman) at Moll del Rellotge on the other side of Barcelona’s old harbor will have plenty of space and the right atmosphere for this fun yet relaxed party. This month’s DJ lineup brings DJs LKGT, Yohitsound, Troya Modet, LVCHA and Houdini to the decks and there’ll be plenty of tasty pulpo and other Galician treats to wash down with a cheeky vermut or two.
Entrance is free and will be first come, first served – so get down early as it’s always a popular event.