Red Sabbath
By Mark Dix

Possibly the most esoteric collective in Barcelona, Màgia Roja is a cultural association whose activity includes a record label, exhibitions and mysterious “members’ meetings” at their headquarters in Gràcia. The latter often feature dark DJ sets and live industrial shows, perfectly aligned with the converted warehouse retreat they inhabit in one of the neighborhood’s quieter corners.
This month the crew celebrate a successful crowdfunding campaign to carry out essential soundproofing work with a multimedia all-dayer at the Hangar art complex, another example of Barcelona’s factory spaces being put to good use. The program includes a presentation of the collective’s most recent releases, an exhibition by artists related to the collective and a special concert by guest sympathizers Gnod, a Manchester krautrock outfit with a cult following.
The event is free for contributors to the crowdfunding event, or €10 euros for those new to the scene.