Rethinking Porn
By Marta Molas

I’ll say it loud and clear: Barcelona is a city of porn. The Salón Erótico de Barcelona, which returns in October, is proof of that, but pornos have also been shot in our city for years. Not all of it is your run-of-the-mill porn, either.
The aesthetic films of Erika Lust are shot in the city’s most beautiful houses and in its most hipster neighborhoods, while “postporn” is filmed in cultural centers and casas okupas all around Barcelona. This is porn for all types of bodies, for all sexual habits – porn that, at times, makes us question if it actually is porn or only activism.
And yet a year ago, some Barcelona locals were outraged to find their squares and streets were being used to film kink porn… without permission! Our coastal city is home to highbrow, low-rate, international and gay film as well as new directors… why wouldn’t it feature porn too? If you’re interested in finding out more, come along to my free talk on rethinking porn at amantis Gràcia on March 15th.
RSVP is requested: contact amantis Gràcia by phone (93 501 06 41) or email ([email protected]) to reserve your place. (The talk will be held in Spanish.)