By Vittoria de Franchis

© Robert Causari
Shapeshifting, mysterious, brilliant – there is a veil of mystery that surrounds Rrose. The musical alias of Seth Horvitz, the moniker recalls Rrose Sélavy, the effeminate alter ego of the late French artist, Marcel Duchamp. This genre-fluid approach and feminine stage presence is a peaceful protest against the highly male-dominated techno scene, aiming to trigger important questions regarding sexuality in dance music.
Her positive social force fully expresses itself through Seth’s productions and performances: “Techno forms the core, but I try to bring in subtle outside influences and create a kind of sonic and rhythmic alchemy between tracks. Texture, space and feel are all important, as well as maintaining a tension between wildness and restraint. These principles also guide my productions.”
Get ready to be mesmerized by one of the most spiritual and deep acts around.