Salon del Manga 2022
By Charlotte Stace

The Saló del Manga was first held in Estació de França in 1995 and was attended by only 1,000 people, with discussion even turning to whether to hold an event the following year. But the show went on, and more than 25 years later this wonderful celebration of manga, cosplay, literature and Japanese cuisine is soon set to draw in nearly 150,000 people.
So what’s on the agenda this year? There’ll be 24 conferences, 31 workshops, 17 publishers' presentations, 18 concerts, 23 martial arts exhibitions, 10 projections, 24 meet and greets, and a selection of Manga’s most famous guests including, Yoko Takahashi, Taifu, Faky, Nakaba and Suzuki.
Let’s also not forget the Japanese Experience and Manga for Kids exhibitions, glittering with enough charm and authenticity to last us till next year. We’ll see you there!