Sample 4: Things that Happen
By Charlotte Stace

Since its inception, MACBA’s historical archive has been dedicated to conserving, cataloguing and disseminating all the documentation generated by the activities of the museum. Over this period, its exhibitions, concerts, publications, study programs, workshops, lectures, radio broadcasts and various meetings have already generated over sixty-thousand documents, forming a historical archive that is continually evolving.
Now, to celebrate MACBA’s 25th anniversary, artist Enric Farrés Duran has developed a project with the Museum's Historical Archive. Through a process of research, the artist has delved deep into the archive, reviewing the limits of its definitions to reveal its inner core. He sets out to answer vital questions surrounding the museum’s archive: what does it mean to exhibit an archive? To whom are we exhibiting it? What does it show and what does it hide?
These and many more ideas will be explored through a program of public activities, an exhibition and a virtual space.