Sarah Whiting
By Charlotte Stace

The CCCB invites Sarah Whiting, one of the most influential thinkers in the field of contemporary architecture, to speak about how to make architecture a committed practice that can have an influence in the shaping of public life today.
Dean and Josep Lluís Sert Professor of Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Whiting has profoundly influenced architectural education and discourse. As the leader of one of the most prestigious institutions in the field, she brings a unique perspective, emphasising the importance of social responsibility and the integration of theoretical and practical approaches in design. She is also an expert on Catalan architects and urban planners, including Ignasi de Solà-Morales, whose writings she has translated into English.
This session offers a rare opportunity to engage with one of architecture’s most influential voices. Delve into the relationship between architectural theory and practice, and discuss its role in shaping the world today.