Sex at 50+ Workshop
By Marta Molas

Some say life begins at fifty, and yet sex in the later decades is still something that’s relatively rarely discussed. Just as you and your body have changed over the years, your sexuality has also matured – but that’s all the more reason to make the most of it. In this amantis workshop, learn to enjoy sex in your fifties, sixties, seventies or beyond… there’s no upper age limit on pleasure!
Led by Mireia Manjón, this workshop will look at general characteristics of sexuality and physical changes in later years before discussing new types of sexuality to explore at this stage in life. Mireia will also take you through the challenges, advantages and disadvantages of sex after fifty, before looking at pleasure, desire and routine.
Prior booking is essential, so call (+34 93 501 06 41) or email ( for more information or to sign up. (The workshop will be conducted in Spanish.)