Show me the body
By Charlotte Stace

American hardcore punk band Show Me the Body comes to perform live at Sala La Nau. Hailing from New York, the group’s sound is heavily influenced by hip hop, noise rock and sludge metal.
Consisting of Julian Cashwan Pratt, Harlan Steed, and Jackie McDermott, it was Pratt and Steed who founded the band while still at high school. They later met McDermott in New York when they were volunteering in the Lower Eastside’s ABC No Rio social space. They began making music and performing for fans in alleyways, basements and under bridge overpasses rather than clubs as a way to get more involved with their fans.
They released their debut album, Body War, in 2016. It touches on themes of anti-capitalism and police brutality. In 2017, they released the compilation mixtape Corpus I. In 2019, they released their second studio album, Dog Whistle and in 2020 their latest record Survive and Trouble the Water.