SoundEat! Nit

Published on July 1, 2016
Facebook, Airbnb and the Arctic Monkeys all go to show that it doesn’t matter if your name is contrived as long as you come through with the content. SoundEat! celebrate their fourth edition in their fourth location with an assortment of elements to appeal to all interests: activities for the offspring, mobile designer snacks for the peckish and a more than respectable musical offering.
6pm – Polock
7pm – BeGun
8pm – Abu Sou
10pm – Terrence Parker
12am – Tiger & Woods
Pebre Negre Food Caravan, La Volovan StreetFood, Warike, Bicnic, La Rika and La Finestra
July 16, 2016 – July 17, 2016
Opening hours
17:00 – 02:00
Jardins Palau Reial
Av. Diagonal, 686Barcelona