Sounds of the City
By Charlotte Stace

Christmas music fills us with joy, festivity and a sense of excitement for the most anticipated holiday of the year. Whether it’s Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas for the umpteenth time or a timeless Christmas carol, we can’t get enough at this time of year.
Thankfully, the Ajuntament de Barcelona has organised a series of musical concerts throughout the city this festive period. Sons de Ciutat (Sounds of the City) brings music in a diverse array of styles to streets, squares and markets all around the city with a programme of dozens of free concerts.
Until January 3rd, different kinds of music, from jazz to indie, classical to folk, and pop, funk, soul, electronica, and this year opera and Lieder, too, will be filling the city this Christmas season with dozens of concerts from local groups representing Barcelona's artistic richness.