Sunrise sailing
By Charlotte Stace

Some people start their morning with yoga or meditation, others with a coffee and the newspaper. But, we’ve discovered a new way for you to start your day. Sunrise Sailing, organised by the Barcelona Sailing Meetup Group, aims to get you up and out on the high seas.
Set up by Saskia who has sailed and worked around the world for over 20 years, this early morning sailing trip offers a peaceful morning experience to the people of Barcelona. With mindfulness at its core, Saskia will lead a morning mindful session onboard while the sun rises. Her aim is to help you leave your worries behind and charge your energy for the rest of the week.
An opportunity to feel the sea breeze in your hair, practice mindfulness and meet new people, the boat will leave Port Olímpic at 6:30am for a two-hour trip. Together, you’ll go along the beautiful coastline of Barcelona, soaking up the sights.