Talking to Kids About Sex

By Marta Molas



Published on April 1, 2015

How should I talk to my children about sex? How should I deal with issues relating to the sexuality of my son, daughter or siblings? Will I handle this well? What should I say, or not say? At what age should I first talk to an adolescent about his or her sexuality?

Lupe García from the Asociación Sexducación, teacher and sexologist, will be giving a free talk at amantis Gràcia designed to address questions such as these. Aimed at parents, caregivers, teachers and anyone interested in learning more, the talk will cover how to discuss sex and sexuality in a positive, non-threatening way. Sexuality develops quickly during adolescence. Parents or caregivers should view these changes as welcome signs of an adolescent’s physical and psychological health.

Get answers to your questions. It should be inspiring! RSVP required: email or call +34 93 501 06 41.

April 15, 2015
Opening hours
19:00 – 20:00