Tantra Massage

Tantra massage is more than a technique, it is a meditation. When we give massage, we must connect with our being since it is only from a receptive state that we can transmit and truly touch the other person.
We should feel honored when a person opens up to us and allow us to come into contact with their body and essence. Our attitude should always be of adoration and respect, and we must care for their skin, smell, shape and breathing, although with complete detachment. A massage can become a means of transmitting love – a sublime experience. The elements necessary to achieve this are total presence, conscious touch and fluidity.
Come learn more at this free talk (in Spanish) by Amerai Carrera from Tantra Esencia de Vida at amantis Gràcia. (RSVP via tel. +34 93 501 06 41 or email [email protected] to secure your place.)