Tantric Erotic Massage
By Marta Molas

Though often mistakenly equated with sexuality alone, Tantra is also a way of life, a philosophy and for many, a religion. Unlike some other forms of spirituality, however, it takes into account human sexuality and physical pleasure as a means of improving personal growth and relationships, with the ultimate aim of understanding the meaning of life.
People comes to the practice through many different routes, and their ways of experimenting and enjoying also vary. Some are looking for healing, other to increase physical pleasure, others to improve intimacy and understanding in their relationships.
For those looking to get involved, there are various reputable schools in Barcelona, including Tantra y Amor Consciente, Tantra Esencia de Vida or ADAS (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Auténtica Sexualidad). To get started, discover the secrets of erotic Tantric massage at amantis Gràcia’s workshop by Raffaello Manacorda on May 14th.
RSVP required: contact amantis Gràcia by phone (93 501 06 41) or email ([email protected]) to reserve your place. (The workshop will be held in Spanish.)