TAPAS. Spanish Design for Food
By Rich Jones

Steam Cooker by Com Peix a l’Aigua
The design of everyday objects is something we seldom ponder. It’s only until you try to dice microwave lasagna with a plastic knife and limited elbow room at thirty thousand feet that you start to appreciate how important the design of otherwise utilitarian objects like cutlery and crockery are to enjoying a meal in comfort.
These objects, and the ritual of dining at the table, have survived for centuries despite the rise of food developed specifically to be eaten on the go. Architect and designer Juli Capella invites us to explore the juncture where design and food meet in TAPAS: Spanish Design for Food.
Chefs, designers, architects, wineries and restaurants reflect on the last 25 years of Spain’s blending of design and food in an exhibition that celebrates modern utensil innovations as well as classic culinary icons including the paella pan, traditional wineskins and the porrón, a traditional glass pitcher for serving wine.