The Bass Valley Online
By Matthew Duffield

In the early days of dance music, many DJs and producers were autodidacts learning pretty much as they went along. That has long since changed with DJ and production academies springing up across the world, and the proliferation of online tutorials. Accompanying this has been the development of music software like Ableton Live, Traktor, Logic Pro and Avid Pro Tools.
One such academy is The Bass Valley in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, which has an impressive range of facilities, including fully-equipped DJ and music production stations, and top-quality recording and mastering studios. They offer a wide range of training, all of which is sadly going to waste in these days of confinement, so they’ve stepped up to provide online courses in the meantime. The One to One Pro course, for example, is a customized, interactive training bringing The Bass Valley Studios’ technical and creative materials to each student. Free video tutorials and music industry manuals (in Spanish) are also available – check their blog for full details.
Feeling creative? Frustrated with just listening to music at home and want to try making it yourself? An online course with the Bass Valley could certainly be a step in the right direction.