Three kings parade 2024
By Charlotte Stace

Just when you thought Christmas was over, the Three Magic Kings - Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar - arrive in Barcelona to spread joy (and more presents). As usual, the city will welcome the Three Kings on the most magical night of the year with a traditional parade around the city’s streets.
In honour of their arrival, there will be a range of activities aimed at children in the run up to January 5th to help prepare them for the big day. These will include sending letters to the Kings, visiting the Three Kings’ factory, discovering special festive traditions or taking a stroll around the Three Kings Fair.
When the big day comes, head to the streets and follow the Kings as they parade through the city on regal floats, throwing gifts and sweets to the children. It is truly one of the most special and memorable events in Barcelona’s calendar - one not to be missed