Three kings parade 2025
By Charlotte Stace

Just when you thought Christmas was over, the Three Magic Kings - Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar - arrive in Barcelona.
At 4.30pm, they’ll make their grand entrance into Portal de la Pau aboard the Santa Eulàlia, where they will be welcomed by the mayor. As a welcome gesture, he will offer them bread and salt and give them the keys to the city, so that they can distribute gifts to all the homes in Barcelona.
At 6pm, the parade begins. Led by page boy Gregori, page girl Estrella, page boy Omar and the postmen, the Three Kings and their entourage will parade through the streets of the city with their impressive floats. They will be accompanied by music and street arts in a festival full of light and colour, with magic and other surprises.It is one of the most special events in Barcelona’s calendar - an event NOT to be missed.