Tic Tac
By Charlotte Stace

At this special time of year, the CCCB brings back one of the most legendary children’s films in Catalan cinema, Tic Tac [Tick Tock] by Rosa Vergés. A film with magnificent musical scenes, featuring clocks, mice, planets, witches, flies and even mussels dancing before our eyes on screen.
What’s the plot? It’s Christmas, and Hèctor, a curious boy, is travelling to France with his parents. During the journey, he gets off at a station with no name where there’s a letterbox, to send his letter to the Three Kings, but the train leaves without him. There, he meets a brother and sister, Bibu and Olívia, who show him that time is alive.
With the help of the Sun and the Moon, the children manage to wind back time so that Hèctor can get back to his parents.With great imagination, musical scenes and her very theatrical artistic direction, Vergés takes us on a journey into a wonderful new world.