Transient Senses

© Thomas Vilhelm
Published on April 1, 2015
As part of Sónar+D and in collaboration with various cultural institutions (Goethe Institut, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Eina and UAB, Loop), the Fundación Mies van der Rohe presents Transient Senses, a site-specific sonic installation created for the Barcelona Pavilion by artist and researcher Alex Arteaga.
The installation uses Bloomline Omniwave speakers, which create so-called “three dimensional” sound that fills the space and can be heard equally in all directions, so that it is impossible for the listener to determine the position of the speakers.
April 29, 2015
Opening hours
20:00 – 23:00
Pavelló Mies van der Rohe
Av. Marquès de ComillasBarcelona