Tuppersex for the Deaf
By Marta Molas

Next December 17th we will be organizing a very special event at amantis Gràcia: for the first time, we are organizing a Tupperxex session for the deaf community (with a heterosexual focus). Tuppersex sessions take their inspiration – and, of course, their name – from the Tupperware parties of yesteryear. At a Tuppersex meetup, an individual who’s familiar with the materials presents a range of toys and suggests one according to the attendees’ interests, providing ideas and tips on how to make the most out of one’s sex life.
This event will be led by journalist, speaker and sexologist Imma Sust. She will be accompanied in Catalan sign language (llengua de signes catalana) by Enric Lluch. If you are a member of the local deaf community or speak LSC, don’t miss out. And if you know someone from the deaf community, please forward the info, they will surely thank you. Entry is included with a €15 minimum purchase. There’ll be free vermouth too!
RSVP requested by phone (+34 93 501 06 41) or email ([email protected]).