Unpack yourself
By Charlotte Stace

Do you practise mindfulness? If so, you might be interested in the Unpack Yourself: Barcelona Breathwork and Mindful Movements Meetup group.
Organised by the founder of MiFit Coach, Piotr Ciepiel, the Unpack Yourself sessions are aimed at allowing people to connect through shared experiences and encouraging attendees to tap into their highest, most limitless selves. Through a series of mindful movements, guided meditation and a sequence of breath work, Piotr sets out to help those present reconnect with their power and discover the magic of self-discovery.
The benefits of mindfulness are countless: lowered stress levels, improved focus, more control over emotions, better relationships, improved communication skills, and much more. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, if you’d like to take part in this group, then simply sign up online today. Tickets cost 33 Euros.