Who has the right to a house?
By Charlotte Stace

The CCCB welcomes the African American sociologist and historian Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor to discuss the origins and evolution of racial segregation within urban landscapes in the US.
For most people in the West, home ownership is at the top of their list when it comes to what they want out of life. In the US, this is one of the pillars of the 'American Dream'. However, unfortunately this has been unattainable for a number of US citizens. For instance, until the late 1970s, African Americans could not even legally buy a home of their own.
Professor Taylor has studied the mechanisms that have established the segregation of a whole group of people of colour in her country through discriminatory laws and practices. She explores the issue of home ownership as one example of the inequalities experienced by African Americans. In this session, she will highlight the perpetuating dynamics of the exclusion of millions of people in the US due to their skin colour.