Ya está el listo…
By Marta Molas

This month Barcelona blogger, writer and purveyor of unique ideas Alfred López presents his new book, Ya está el listo que todo lo sabe de sexo (“The know-it-all about sex is here”), illustrated by Marta Contreras.
López loves literature, particularly of an odd or adventurous bent – including about sex – and in 2016 was awarded Best Art & Culture Blog at the prestigious Premios Bitácoras. Last year his blog Ya está el listo que todo lo sabe was visited by over 40 million people. Many of his friends, colleagues and fans from the world of erotic media will be in attendance at the launch. López will be taking advantage of the occasion to give a talk entitled, “Why do we call it love when we mean SEX?”
As always at our presentations, there’ll be plenty of vermouth and some erotic gifts on hand from amantis. Check out our blog to find out more about López and his publications.