Yoga Challenge - Tattva Yoga studio
By Charlotte Stace

Are you ready for the Tattva Yoga Studio’s Yoga Challenge? Organised by yoga instructor Bilyana, you are invited to find inner peace and clarity with a weekly session of yoga.
Yoga is an invaluable gift that embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action; harmony between man and nature; and a holistic approach to health and well-being. The only goal of yoga is self-realisation. The different techniques that are offered by Bilyana (asana sequences, kriya, pranayama, visualisation, energetic work, chant, meditation and yoga nidra) aim to help us develop more self-awareness and spirituality. Her classes have the purpose of uniting people interested in developing perseverance, discipline, determination, curiosity and a desire for liberation.
The yoga group is open to everyone regardless of their race, nation, age, belief or experience - those that have yoga practice already and those that are interested and want to try it. Join her regular classes at MeetUp to find out more.