Bikram Yoga España
By Renee Lo Iacono

The average person has thousands of thoughts per day. With so much background noise, it can be difficult to focus on what’s important. An excellent way to help us increase our mental clarity and concentration is through yoga, which also improves our physical strength, flexibility and balance.
The word “yoga” means “to join” or ”yoke together” in the sense of bringing the body and mind together for one harmonious experience. With consistent practice, we can learn how to focus our minds and control our thoughts in order to understand the real meaning of yoga and experience the union of mind, body and spirit.
Bikram Yoga is a style that combines a series of 26 positions practiced in a room heated to over 104° F (40° C) for a period of ninety minutes. For residents in Spain, try ten consecutive days of hot yoga with Bikram Yoga España for €25; a drop-in class is €20. In addition, they offer some classes in English – contact the school for more info.