Flax & Kale
By Lady San Pedro

Perhaps you’ll find yourself seated next to green-haired girls chatting over organic juice and kale chips. Flax & Kale is trendy but its cuisine is rooted in nutrition and 35 years of culinary experience. The restaurant comes from the Feel Good Food Group, owners of Teresa Carles, and pioneers since the ‘70s in vegetarian cuisine in Barcelona.
Eager to innovate, the family-run group brings another healthy-eating concept to fruition: the first flexitarian restaurant in Spain. A legend on Flax & Kale’s menu classifies each dish under Raw Food, Gluten Free, Plant Based, Oily Fish or combinations of the four. Director Jordi Barri recommends the grilled watermelon with goat cheese, the raw vegan zucchini lasagna and the spirulina tagliatelle.
Also popular are the organic juices, though not nearly as much as the weekend brunch, which packs a full house.