By Yvonne Mannix

Total relaxation can be difficult to achieve. Some people choose yoga, tai chi or meditation, but another effective method is to jump into a flotation pod for an hour of sensory deprivation. Flotation pods are filled with a mixture of water and Epsom salt, which allows the body to float naturally.
The saltwater solution is the same temperature as the body, so it becomes hard to tell where your body ends and the water begins. You can choose to go for the full-on experience and float in darkness and silence or the claustrophobic can leave the lights on and listen to music. As your body is completely supported, flotation pods are a great way to help with sports injuries and back pain. The Epsom salt is also good for the skin, making it incredibly soft.
Some people find the pods are useful in managing stress as well as a great place to meditate or figure out solutions to problems. For anyone feeling a bit frazzled, it’s definitely worth a try.