HQ Barcelona
By Michael Mueller

When something hits here it hits big. Such is the case with cannabis clubs, which are proliferating as readily as the weed itself. (That they exist at all owes to the non-criminality in Spain of possession for personal use.)
AIRAM’s La María Club was arguably the first to transform the concept from a dank room with shabby couches into a designer bar slash smoker’s paradise with cultural activities and a political agenda. HQ Barcelona continues in this vein, with an industrial-chic space, cool graphic image, brazen sense of humor (“LDRS DLRS HTRS LVRS” their Facebook proclaims) and ultra-high quality cannabis.
Non-smokers will enjoy too: craft beer, cheap drinks, burgers from El Filete Ruso, art exhibitions, video games, movies and sports, DJs … even Russian pool. But don’t just show up: you have to be vouched for by an existing member to get in.