Manifesto Barcelona
By Charlotte Stace

Barcelona’s cosmopolitan youth culture has inspired the creation of numerous vintage shops, cementing its reputation as one of the best cities in Europe for vintage shopping. And adding to its list of trendy vintage boutiques is Manifesto.
Sitting proudly amongst the other independent boutiques on one of El Raval’s chicest streets, Peu de la Creu, Manifesto offers a range of selected vintage clothes and pieces from independent designers. The vintage items are selected by the fashionistas at La Comune (@lacomunevintage) and Bogaavante (@boga_avante), who are in charge of searching far and wide for the most unique items to refill the secondhand space within the store.
Yet, Manifesto is more than just clothes: it also acts as a small art gallery and hosts monthly pop-up events. To find out what’s going on, check out their Instagram (@manifestobarcelona) for the latest news and updates.