Mar Cochs Cosmética
By Charlotte Stace

Mar Cochs offers a natural cosmetic experience like no other. With treatments and products to choose from, it’s the perfect place for a little bit of TLC.
After training in Psychology, Mar Cochs - the founder of the beauty store - became interested in natural cosmetics: the organic ingredients and taking care of her skin properly. She decided that she would embark on her own journey into creating her very own cosmetics and skin care ritual for all to enjoy! After training in nutrition and natural cosmetics she opened La Marieta in Barcelona in 2010. Now, in 2021, she has opened her online store as a new addition to the brand, under her own name.
Aside from products which include oils, serums, creams, shampoos and conditioners, she offers a range of facials, beauty treatments and consultations. For her, this store is a passion and a commitment to the beauty of skin, and to exquisite, effective natural cosmetics rich in active botanicals.