Notariat n1

The installation of Notariat n1 has occurred with such little fanfare that it is not entirely easy to establish whether the place actually exists without physically passing by the front door. It was only by chance that we noticed the charming wooden interior, vast beer menu and tall racks of wine, not to mention the huge barrel of house plonk in the center of the bar.
Further engagement revealed a free mini tapa with each drink we ordered, and our curiosity even led us to ask what was in store down a small flight of stairs near the entrance. To our delight, we found a carefully restored cellar, which serves as a cozy venue for performances in petit comité.
It’s surprisingly tough to find an ample selection of beers and wine to sample in the Raval, but it seems that Notariat n1 is helping to put that right. The space also hosts events, such as Argentine milonga on some Sundays from 8pm.