Sunsais Slow Concept
By Jessie Madrigal-Fletcher

Sustainable online fashion platform Sunsais Ecofashion Group has inaugurated a concept shop in Gràcia. The project began six years ago at the hands of Catalan entrepreneur Alice Sunçais, a woman passionate about ethical and environmentally friendly practices. She believes consumers should be able to trust that their clothes were not produced in a sweatshop or manufactured using materials that are toxic to the environment.
Sunsais offers a range of clothes and accessories for women, men and children, carrying brands that produce locally in Spain as well as from around Europe. Sunsais is also aimed at advising brands and designers who want to go “green” but are unsure how to. Alice assists young designers in finding suppliers of environmentally friendly materials and, taking this support even further, by selling their products through the online and now physical shop.
When it comes to materials, it is a no brainer: fabrics that are organic and/have not been treated with harsh chemicals are kinder to the environment and softer on your skin. Prices of eco-friendly garments are increasingly competitive, and the designs on offer are fashionable. Sunsais can also be found at the annual BioCultura tradefair.
Alice says shoppers are increasingly supporting the sustainable fashion movement and distancing themselves from cheap, mass-produced fashion. The future is indeed bright for those of us who want to feel comfortable with our shopping choices, and Sunsais is pioneering this promising side of the fashion world.